Give your time and skill
'Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.'
1 Peter 4:10
St Peter’s is a Christian community made up of families and individuals from all walks of life. The Bible tells us that just as one body has many different parts, it is the combination of many people’s different gifts that make the Church function. Our corporate life and Christian witness together is only possible through the active generosity of people in sharing their time, skill and resources.
Below are a list of ministries that you may wish to get involved in, but please do not feel pressured to sign up, as at the end of the day, the motivation to serve must come from God and not us.
If you would like to get involved please speak to the churchwarden.
So, what can you do?
- Help to write and distribute Parish News, our free magazine that goes to 2500 local homes monthly.
- Help to design posters for events and activities.
- Be involved in other communication activities.
Help to organise social events such as
- Jacob’s Joins
- coffee mornings.
Make music
- Sing in a group for informal services
- Play an instrument.
Join the prayer chain.
Use your skills
- Help set up the sound system on Sundays.
- Serve refreshments after the service.
- Arrange flowers.
- Ring bells.
- Clean the church.
- Join an occasional work party in the church grounds
- Help to maintain the building.
Join our Sunday team of
- welcomers or
- sidespeople
- Join the rota to read one of Sunday's Bible readings.
- Lead prayers at Sunday services.
If you'd like to help
Please send an email message, saying in which area you'd like to help.