Welcome to St Peter's, Heversham


How do I arrange to be confirmed?


Confirmation is the point in your Christian journey where, if you were baptised when you were a child, you make a firm commitment to follow Jesus as a disciple.

Usually, you will prepare to be confirmed by going to weekly classes with other people who are also getting ready for this important step. You will discuss the Christian faith and the life of discipleship with a church leader.

In the Church of England, if you are a recently baptised adult, we also encourage you to be confirmed.

There are usually two Confirmation services a year in the Deanery. When you are confirmed, the bishop lays his hands on your head and prays for you. The congregation asks God to give you the power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.

If you are thinking about getting confirmed, and preparing for this at St Peter’s, please  send an email message to Revd Bryan Kerr, Vicar.

Find out more

Confirmation in the Church of England

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